Category archives: Games

Neues aus Fernost: Schoko-Lego

Lego und Schokolade rangieren wohl in den ewigen Top 5 der besten Erfindungen der Menschheit, neben dem Rad & dem Feuer. Da war es doch nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis jemand den logischen Schluss zog und diese beiden Dinge zu einem Hybriden vereinte, der uns in ein neues goldenes Zeitalter...

Gaming News | Release date for "Civilization:...

The game publisher 2K Games and their developer Firaxis both announced that the new Civilization: Beyond Earth will be released on October 24th, 2014. Civilization is a number of real-time-strategy games, where you have to conquer the world through different means. Some of them are completely destroying your fellow players through...

Cool Board Game: Shadows Over Normandie

This is a really cool kickstarter project. Shadows Over Normandie is a board game that deals with a whole package of figures of the Cthulhu myth, the “Deep Ones”, in the Normandie. Yeah, the Deep Ones from the H.P. Lovecraft epos! The game allows the player to control the U.S....

Pokémon's Dark Side | Part 5: Are all the Nu...

They exist! The initially unexplainable things which actually can be explained! I’m going to solve one mystery which probably has bugged every Pokémon fan. Anyone who played a Pokémon game or watched the series has certainly already noticed that all the Sisters Joy and Officers Jenny always look the same. Were...

E3 Games Expo | Was uns Gamer alles erwartet

I was really shocked when my best gaming friend told me she doesn’t know the E3 Expo ! Oh well…it’s just the biggest and most popular gaming fair in the world! That’s where big boys from Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft annually meet to show us their latest consoles, games and gadgets! Of course,...

Gaming Tipp 2014: Murdered Soul Suspect - CSI...

Neben den „Global Playern" unter den Spielen wie z. B. „Watch Dogs", erscheint der neue Titel vom japanischen Spielehersteller Square Enix etwas unspektakulär. Dessen ungeachtet, vollbringt Airtight Games mit dem Game Murdered Soul Suspects und seinem Protagonisten Ronan O'Connor eine gelungene Umsetzung, ganz in dem Sinne als ob „Stirb langsam"-Polizist John McClane innerhalb einer seiner Filme...

Gaming Tipp 2014 „Shelter 2" - Auf den Luch...

In dem atmosphärischen Survival Videogame „Shelter" ging es noch um eine Dachsmutter, die ihre fünf Junge verteidigen und füttern musste. Wie diese Tiere ihr Leben meistern, mag einem anfangs vielleicht schwierig erscheinen, aber „Shelter” gelang es, das Gefühl einzufangen und den Spieler darin gefangen zu nehmen. Der Nachfolger beweist nun das richtige Gespür...

Gaming tip | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Vorab, ich kann gar nicht mehr aufhören, die Jungs von CD Projekt Red drüben in Warschau zu loben. Sie sind nicht nur die Betreiber der Website, wo es Retro- sowie Indiespiele für kleines Geld gibt, sondern halten an etwas fest: Wir gucken, was die großen Spielemacher bei Ubisoft und EA machen, und machen genau das Gegenteil! Das heißt...

Gaming News | Hackers abuse your computer as ...

The guys and gals who regularly read my posts already know what a cryptocurrency is. Cryptocurrencies are electronic and anonymously usable currencies. The ones of you who are now interested in finding out more about can read my explanation particularly dealing with the “DogeCoin” right here. As an exception, I’m not going to...

A4 Games | From Indie-Dev to one of the Top-G...

Today I want to present to you a game developer which started out as a small indie firm and is now considered a successful gaming company. A4 is a Ukranian game developer and among gamers they are well known for their S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. In this game, you’re playing a so-called Stalker in the post-apocalyptic...

Gaming Preview | "Glorious Leader!" - Save th...

Our world has many glorious leaders, even we Germans have one: Angela Merkel, our beloved chancellor and queen of our hearts. However, in this game it’s about the greatest, strongest, most beautiful and most intelligent leader this world is able to offer: Kim Jong Un! In this 2D jump’n’gun game you have to...