Our world has many glorious leaders, even we Germans have one: Angela Merkel, our beloved chancellor and queen of our hearts.
However, in this game it’s about the greatest, strongest, most beautiful and most intelligent leader this world is able to offer: Kim Jong Un!

In this 2D jump’n’gun game you have to fend off hoards of American imperialist pigs! With pride you are striding through forests riding on your unicorn, you’ll fight sea skirmishes on your narwhale and you’ll protect the streets of Pyongyang from American hi-tech tanks.

The Indie-Developer Moneyhorse Games are expecting to release the game by the end of 2014! Moreover, CEO Jeff Miller already announced that the game will be available on smartphones as well as tablets and computers!

Man, taking a shit will be more fun than ever before if you can save the world as the glorious leader simultaneously.

kim jong un

Information Source and Image Copyright:  http://www.theguardian.com/