Category archives: Fashion Week News

New York Fashion - cool styles from the Big A...

[caption id="attachment_156761" align="aligncenter" width="1192"] @blaireadiebee[/caption] Berlin Fashion Week has just passed and the stars, bloggers and, of course the most successful influencers have joined together to form an event. The next Fashion Marathon is already on the doorstep! The New York Fashion Week in September 2017: one month, the city is transformed...

New York Fashion Week Fall Winter 2017 - Gyps...

The New York unisex labelGypsy Sport was founded by the Designers Rio Uribe. Stars like Jaden Smith or Rihanna wear their colorful and fancy collections. In his Fashionshows Uribe has also transgender models running. For the designer it is not about attention, but to show what happens in today's world. Source: Source:...

Fashion Week London AW 2016: Vivienne Westwoo...

Image : Vivienne Westwood Former Girlfriend of Punk and fashion legend Malcolm McLaren Vivienne West started her career as one of the first designers of her time, who would like to change the industry with a political background. As can be seen by her new collection called ?Climate Revolution?, which she presented in...

Fashion Week London A/W 2016: Peter Pilotto

Image: ©Designer Peter Pilotto & Christopher De Vos The new collection by designer duo Peter Pilotto and Christopher De Vos presents at the Fashion Week London an colorful range of nature themed clothing. Amongst others the collection features a wide array of long and wide garmets, flared skirts and oversized coats. The collection...

Sadak - tradition clashes with modernity

The autumn & winter 2016 collection, designed by Sasa Kovacevic in collaboration with HRH Prince Fahad bin Faisal al Saud is translating the elements of folk symbols and disrupting traditional technique into digital contemporary design. HRH Prince Fahad al Saud and Sasa Kovacevic were exploring the darkest obsessions through powerful...

Mercedes-Benz & VOGUE Fashion Night

Mercedes-Benz and VOGUE invited guests from all over the world to attend the 11th Mercedes-Benz & VOGUE Fashion Night of this year. The casual get together of the finest of the fashion world took place in the Borchardt restaurant. On July 9th the most important minds of the German fashion world and a...

Berlin Fashion Week: Mode-Ausstellung @ Panke...

Einhorn ist in der Box Während der Berlin Fashion Week werden acht junge Litauische Modedesigner das Konzept der Mode mittels zeitgenössischer Kunst hinterfragen. Ihre Arbeiten werden in den Räumlichkeiten von “Panke Kultur" präsentiert. Es ist eine unkonventionelle Mode-Ausstellung, die der für die Modeindustrie üblichen kommerziellen Auswirkungen und der Konsumkultur entgegenkommt. Den...

Berlin Fashion Week January 2014 - Die berüh...

  Am Montagabend war es nun endlich soweit, die Jungs von Dandy Diary Jacob & David luden ein zu ihrer berühmt berüchtigten Party zum Start der Fashionweek. Das Motto war "Black & White" und "wir geben es uns hart"! Und ich muss sagen, alle Gäste, ich inklusive, gaben sich Mühe, dem Party-Motto gerecht zu...