Category archives: Travel & Abenteuer

Vienna House Hotels – Life is a Journey

House has only been enriching the travel scene since 1 February, 2016. The young hotel chain is actually based on the cooperation between four different hotel brands defined by different characters. However, they share the same values including the love for high-quality service and well thought-out interior design. Vienna House...

Secret Beaches in Rio: Grumari

Once in Rio de Janeiro, some of you, especially those who want to explore new things, might want to visit some spots that aren’t full of tourists. Grumari is one of those secret spots you should definitely give a visit. It’s a seashore offering 2.5km of rustic beach flair with a...

Street Food in Rio - tasty delicacies everywh...

[caption id="attachment_129017" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Feijoada[/caption] If you are playing with the idea to go on vacation in the Brazilian metropolis of Rio de Janeiro, then you should definitely try out the different culinary delicacies there because Brazilian street food is more than just amazing. In Rio, there are food stalls and...

Fly to Israel with

The air in the land of Israel makes one wise. - Babylonian Talmud Israel is one of the most significant cultural centers in the world. The three biggest world religions literally clash with each other here. Christianity, Judaism and Islam. There, the sublimity of major sacral buildings brings those who stand before...

Architecture “Made in Russia”: Gingerbrea...

Russian cities are marked by ostentatious monumental buildings. The architectural style is a historical heritage and is still an important feature of the big cities’ skylines. The Stalinist architecture appears pretentious and with a lot of ornaments, which is why it’s also called the gingerbread style. Urban buildings meet shoddy...

The World’s Best Clubs: Arma 17

Moscow has an active and impressive club scene, which has a unique international reputation. Russia’s capital is home to the music scene, including everything from hip hop to techno. There, you can dance like there’s no tomorrow. That is why I want to introduce one of the most important clubs...

Filmtipp: B-Movie Lust&Sound in Westberli...

Westberlin in den 80ern war eine Stadt im Ausnahmezustand… Ende der 70er Jahre strandete Mark Reeder, gebürtig aus Manchester, in Westberlin. Was er hier alles in den nächsten 10 Jahren erleben sollte war unglaublich. Westberlin galt als Schmelztiegel für Kreative und Chaoten, für Genies und Versager, für Künstler und Banausen, kurz,...

Kunst im Fokus: Kunstausstellung - ArtOrta in...

[caption id="attachment_105571" align="aligncenter" width="460"] Conrad Artworx[/caption] Wedding. Sprengelkiez. Ein Abend im März. Ich bin in der zur Vernissage. Die Milchmeergalerie liegt mir besonders am Herzen. Sie ist keine abgehobene Elite- Galerie, sondern schön down-to earth, sympatisch, psychedelisch und natürlich mit großartiger Kunst. Auch im diesem Jahr präsentiert die Milchmeergalerie wieder ihre...