Category archives: Animals & Nature

5 Dinge, die du in Peru tun musst !

Zum Einstieg das Wissenswerteste über Peru Von den Anden bis ans Meer und von der geheimnisvollen Inkastadt „Machu Picchu“ zu Wolkenkratzern – Peru ist eines der begehrtesten Reiseziele in ganz Südamerika. Im Land der Inka erwarten dich nicht nur verlorene Städte, sondern auch die atemberaubenden Panoramen der schneebedeckten Anden, nebliger Amazonas-Regenwald,...

Wie Sie den Sommerurlaub trotz Corona geniess...

Bildquelle: Es war nicht einfach, sich an die Pandemie zu gewöhnen. Endlich können wir unsere wohlverdienten Ferien mit unserer Familie und / oder Freunden genießen, aber wir mussten lernen, mit neuen Arten des Umgangs mit Menschen zu leben, und dies hat sich sehr auf unsere Lebensgewohnheiten ausgewirkt. An...

Naturally stoned: Animals and Drugs

Normally drugs are associated with shady nightclubs, dirty street corners or the banking elite. But surprisingly enough there are many different types of animals that are consuming psychotropic substances as well. For instance dolphins, who gather in a group to consume the stimulating toxin of the blowfish. In order to...

Animals threatened with Extinction

Tigers in large numbers used to roam the wilderness, but the human being represents a major threat to the predator. Illegal hunting and the illegal trade in the skins are the greatest threat to the big cat. The endangerment of the tiger has led to them being threatened with extinction....

Cats for Allergy Sufferers

To own a cat is to bring happiness in one‘s life. Who wouldn't want to have a small bundle of joy rubbing its head against your leg while meowing in such an adorable way, that you just can't help but obey its every command? Unfortunately some people are cursed with...

Wildcats at home

Cats - beautiful and gentle pets with a sense of fortitude and elegance, longing to be comforted by their owners. The perfect animal companion, one would assume. But what if one has acquired a rather...exotic taste? Back in the 50's and 60's, both periods of post-war economic success, a strange custom...

Is the Tasmanian Tiger still alive?

Thanks to its isolated location in the Pacific Ocean, Australia possesses a very unique and fascinating flora and fauna that is particularly characterized by a variety of marsupials just like the kangaroo. The top predator used to be the thylecine or Tasmanian Tiger. It is a marsupial as big as...

Save the Polar Bears

The climate is changing, the polar ice caps are melting and the pack ice is slowly disappearing. These are the facts that are often condemned as lies. Sadly the human being tends to do nothing about a problem until he has to experience it physically at first hand. This means,...

Creepy Nature: Tarantula Hawk – Flying Spid...

[caption id="attachment_104329" align="aligncenter" width="750"] Bild: Davehood at en.wikipedia[/caption] Tarantula hawks do not belong to this world. This is supposed to be general knowledge. Why? If you take a closer look, they are simply gigantic wasps, damn it! A sting from this insect that is widespread in Central and South America is...

Creepy Nature: Deception and trickery – the...

 Image Rights: by Tanako Juuyoh If you want to succeed in hunting in the wilderness, you should definitely come with a plan. The prey won’t exactly walk right into your open mouth. That’s why some animals are sprinters, some are endurance runners and others just rely on the fact that their prey will...

How to Survive: Pöddern

“Pöddern” is a fishing method which originated from East Friesland in Germany. Other methods bearing a striking similarity are also used in different parts of the world. It's a fairly easy method of obtaining fish and hence, when it comes down to "do or do", it could be rather useful. “Pöddern”...

Creepy Nature: Adler auf Menschenjagd

Adler sind wirklich beeindruckende Kreaturen der Lüfte. Stolz und majestätisch durchfliegen sie die Landschaften auf der Suche nach Beute und haben beinahe jeden Lebensraum für sich erschlossen sowie sich an die Spitze der luftigen Nahrungskette gekämpft. Adler sind wahrlich die Könige der Luft und sie herrschen souverän und ohne Nachsicht....

How to Survive: Fischen mit Toxinen

Indigene Völker in Südamerika und Südostasien fischen schon seit ewigen Zeiten mit zahlreichen pflanzlichen Giften, deren Verwendungszweck die Betäubung der Fische darstellt. In Gegenden, wo man effektiv eine breite Bevölkerungsmaße sättigen muss, scheint diese Art der 'Fischerei' die simpelste Lösung zu sein. Denn anstatt zu angeln, mit Harpunen zu jagen,...