Tags archives: laufsteg

Belarus Fashion Week, November 2014 – Highl...

The Belarus Fashion Week is truly shining out everything in the fashion world this month, with the unique diversity, an exclusive accumulation of designers and numerous side events. The whole city of Minsk, so it seemed, went to see true fashion pieces on November 11 – 16. THE Belarusian fashion...

Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week, October/Nov...

Die Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week ist vielseitig, international und bietet Freiraum für Visionäre der Modeszene. Im März 2014 zeigten fünf südkoreanische Modedesigner, vier davon Frauen, ihre Kreationen für den diesjährigen Winter. In China wurden die Designs des Quintetts in den letzten Jahren immer populärer, weswegen die dortige Fashion Week genau den...

Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week, October/Nov...

Another protagonist of the Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week  was Hu Sheguang, who presented his newest collection to us within the frameworks of this fashion spectacle. The young designer really creates unique fashion, incorporating extremely special attributes into his “robes”. He plays with asymmetric and symmetric structures and curves, experimenting with...

Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week, October/Nov...

The Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Weekdidn’t only catch a lot of attention in Asia. Every year, this fashion spectacle startsrk at the beginning of October. This year, it ended on November 2nd, with a boom of course. Within this single week, countless fashion brands turned the local fashion scene upside down....

Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week, October/Nov...

EKOKO Créateur is a French fashion house which enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide. At the Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Weekin spring the fashion show of this brand’s fall and winter collection 2014  indeed found the audience’s approval. With many innovative ideas, the designer is winning the hearts of countless new fans with...

Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week, October/Nov...

The fashion brand Bosideng  once again managed to figuratively blow up the Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week  its great incredible performance. During the presentation of the fall and winter collection for 2014, the audience indeed was astonished, nobody expected such impressive designs. The collection is guided by the classical quilted jacket...

Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week October/Nove...

The fashion brand Juzui represented the glamorous side of women‘ s wear at the Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week. In March, the brand already presented us the most beautiful trends for the fall and winter season this year, concentrating on fulminant elegance. Glistening elements, feminine cuts and floral prints were of...

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week China October/Nove...

The Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week is a fashion event of its own. Here, western and eastern cultures clash. The focus is of course placed on Asian culture. Nonetheless, international designers from all parts of the world come together and show what they’ve got. The schedule was extremely tight, filled with a...

Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week, October/Nov...

Beautyberry wurde vom chinesischen Designer Wang Yutao im Jahr 2005 gegründet und war Teil der dortigen Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, welche am 25.10. begann und genau sieben Tage später, am 02. November, endete. Gleich am ersten Abend präsentierte Wang Yutao seine Frühlings- und Sommerkollektion bei der 19:00 Uhr Show. Der Designer bringt...

Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week, October/Nov...

The capital of the People’s Republic China turned into a shiny and colorful fashion metropolis from October 25th to November 2nd, attracting countless fashion enthusiasts from all over the world and the global press. The China Fashion Week was founded in 1997 and since then has been hosted two times...

Riga Fashion Week, October/November 2014 - Hi...

From October 28th to November 1st, the 21st edition of the Riga Fashion Week took place. 20 fashion brands will present their spring and summer collection 2015 to the fashion world on five consecutive evenings. Apart from established brands like QoQoo, Amoralle and Anna Led, promising newcomers like Nadia Kirpa...

South African Fashion Week, Oktober 2014 - Hi...

Die diesjährige Ausgabe der SA Fashion Week  in Johannesburg fand vom 14. – 18. Oktober 2014 statt. Über 40 Designer hatten hier die Möglichkeit, ihre Herbst- und Winterkollektionen für das Jahr 2015 zu präsentieren. Seit 2010 öffnet direkt im Anschluss an die Fashion Shows die SA Buyers Lounge ihre Türen, bei...

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Days Zurich November 20...

Mitte November werden alle Augen auf Zürich gerichtet, denn dort finden vom 12. bis zum 15. die Mercedes-Benz Fashion Days statt. An vier Tagen werden dort die neuen Highlights für das Frühjahr und den Sommer 2015 präsentiert. Auch die feminine Kleidungsmarke Van Bery ist mit von der Partie und zeigt am...

World Mastercard Fashion Week, Oktober 2014 -...

Die World MasterCard Fashion Week ist das führende Mode-Event in Kanada und die zweitgrößte Fashion Week in Nordamerika nach der New York Fashion Week. Zwei Mal im Jahr präsentieren hier sowohl aufstrebende als auch etablierte Modelabel ihre aktuellen Kollektionen vor einem Publikum, bestehend aus den internationalen Medien und Industrie-Profis, die die Zusammenführung...

Franziska Czurratis on Tour: Was bedeutet Mod...

Zum Monatswechsel hin hatte ich mal keine MTV Moderation auf meinem Plan zu stehen, sondern nahm kurzum einen Catwalk Job an, den mir meine Bookerin vermittelte. Los ging das Ganze ziemlich früh am Morgen am Bahnhof. Die Veranstalter legten Wert darauf, dass alle Models per Zug anreisten. Was für mich ziemlich ungewöhnlich...

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Istanbul, October ...

The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Istanbul is the leading fashion event in Turkey which offers regional designers an international platform to build a connection with the global press, retailers and customers worldwide. The event definitely boosts the general awareness towards Turkish fashion and the global presence of Turkish designs, while the...

Paris Fashion Week, September/Oktober 2014 pr...

Today's latest trends have clearly derived some inspiration from classic fashion trends. And Sharon Wauchob has always been a classic trend setter, as evidenced by her fall and winter collection at the Fashion Week in Paris. Here, she has used only one colour - deep black, the timeless companion with...

Paris Fashion Week, September/Oktober 2014 pr...

[caption id="attachment_88663" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Carven FW14/15, Photo: Saskia Lawaks[/caption] Paris Fashion Week, September/October 2014 presents – Carven, for him and her – FW 14/15 If you’re familiar with the label Carven , you know what to expect at Paris Fashion Week : provocation and pure ecstasy covered in class.  Although the fashion...

Paris Fashion Week, September/Oktober 2014 pr...

The Paris Fashion Week is one of the biggest fashion events in the world - it's where the entire fashion scene comes together to satiate their curiosity about the newest looks of renowned labels such as Balenciaga. Aside from their fall and winter line, their spring and summer designs for 2015 also...

Paris Fashion Week September/Oktober 2014 pre...

The brand Rochas was founded by Marcel Rochas  in the year 1925. After the brand’s birth it didn’t take long until Rochas was known for its amazing haute couture creation, establishing itself as a symbol of creativity in the fashion universe. Today, the brand Rochas is still standing for innovation,...

Paris Fashion Week, September/October 2014 pr...

Alexis Mabille is known for his haute couture creations. Nevertheless his ready-to-wear collections are more than just capable of fascinating the fashion world. His brand has been poured with success since it was born in the year 2005. The passion for avant-garde traits, which Alexis Mabille pairs with contemporary elements, represents...

Paris Fashion Week, September/Oktober 2014 - ...

Vom 23. September bis zum 01. Oktober 2014 fand der Höhepunkt und das krönende Finale des vierwöchigen internationalen Schauenmarathons statt – die Paris Fashion Week. In der französischen Metropole präsentiert die Crème de la Crème der Modewelt zwei Mal jährlich ihre vorreitenden Kollektionen. Auch dieses Jahr waren zahlreiche Traditionshäuser wie Christian Dior,...