Really, I have always wanted to own a fox as a pet. I live in Berlin, a city a lot of wild foxes call their home. They roam the city at night, en masse. But coming near these beautiful animals, making friends with them could end terribly. Broken dreams and rabies are something I don’t really wish for.

But then, I stumbled upon a scientific article which could change everything. Since the 50ies, Russian biologists have been trying to domesticate foxes. This means that the foxes doesn’t only get used to being around humans, but behave like a real pet. A domesticated fox can indeed be compared with a dog. However, a pet fox still behaves more uncontrollably. It loves to dig and tends to mark its territory.

For this reason, you should own a garden if you want a fox as a pet. Nonetheless, your pet fox won’t be fully safe either. Eagle owls, golden eagles and lynx and wolves do hunt foxes.

Considering the outer appearance, the domesticated fox already differs from its wild fellow brothers since the ears and the tail stand less erect. They even come in different fur colors: red, grey, white and black. And it gets better: You can go on a walk with them, they love being petted and they love playing. Just like dogs, they love learning tricks.

The only flaw: You have to pay 6000$ for a fox.

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