Ju-Jutsu which is Japanese and means “delicate art“ is a Japanese self-defense system, developed on the base of a so-called budo. This budo was brought to life in an era of peace, when Samurai were given the chance to improve and perfect their fighting style. Due to these circumstances, types of Akido and Judo could develop, which in turn led to the creation of Ju-Jutsu. The best techniques of both sport types were combined in order to give birth to the ultimate self-defense art.

Ju-Jutsu is practically purely practiced for self-defense. There are only a few hits and kicks typical of Karate which had been incorporated into the Ju-Jutsu system in order to keep a certain extent of dynamics. By now, Philippine knife techniques were accepted into Ju-Jutsu in order to make Ju-Jutsu more compatible with modern times. The concept of the open and easily learnable defense techniques renders a Ju-Jutsu fighter very flexible and enables them to react to offensive movements easily and quickly.

Security men and policemen particularly make use of these techniques. However, I can assure you that any normal person would benefit from learning Ju-Jutsu because it gives you the fundamental skills to protect yourself from attacks efficiently. Ju-Jutsu is based on grappling and throwing techniques, with which you can parry attacks. With aimed kicks and hits you can then push your attacker back or even immobilize them.