cara delevigne 1


Hello fellow beauty lovers.

A couple of weeks ago I posted a whole article concerning different shapes of eyebrows for different shapes of faces. Today’s post is again circling around the most underestimated yet most important feature of our faces. But this time I’ll tell you some facts about our beloved “face framers” and we’re going to find out how your shape is actually called.

But first, on to the facts – did you know that:

1. Thicker brows à la Cara Delevigne can make you look younger?

2. Eyebrows are essential for a conversation? They can help expressing your opinion through articulation.

3. Our Eyebrows only “live” for 10 weeks and then start to fall out?

4. Well groomed eyebrows allow you to wear less makeup?

5. And last but not least, did you know that there are at least 24 different shapes of brows with individual names?

Look at the chart above. I for one am varying between Attractive Natural and Attractive Thick – what are your eyebrows called?

See you next week.

Lots of Love,

Lana Hoang


