
Hello fellow beauty lovers.

Today’s Tip Tuesday will be about 5 useful tricks for healthy hair.

Our hair frames our faces just as our eyebrows frame our eyes. Just like a painting, they contribute a lot to our appearance.

Tip No. 1

Brush and detangle your hair before getting into the shower.

Detangle your hair before you wash them to prevent knots and tangles afterwards because wet hair is so much more sensitive you are much more likely to damage them when you try to brush through the wet strands.

Tip No. 2

Use dry shampoo before going to bed.

If you know that you won’t be able to wash your hair in the morning, spray dry shampoo on several sections of your scalp. It will ensure a ton of volume when you wake up.

Tip No. 3

Sleep with a Crunchie

I’ve always slept with my hair open but I recently learned that it is way better to sleep with a crunchie. Your hair won’t get greasy and it will help prevent your face from getting pimples as your hair usually comes in contact with your facial skin

Tip No. 4

Apply your conditioner on the right places.

This one you already know, I assume, but I thought I’d include it because it is essential for great hair.

Only apply your conditioner to the ends of your hair, not your roots. That way you can take care of the ends without weighing your hair down.

Tip No. 5

Deep condition your hair every once in a while.

Use a Deep Conditioner… say… every 2 weeks and pamper your hair. My personal favorite is the Deep Conditioner by Macadamia. An elaborate review on this gem will be up soon!

Yours truly,


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