Big pandas are not only cuddly and sweet. They are also rare. That’s why there many breeding programs in many zoos. This can be for example found in the zoo of Beijing. It’s open for the public and attracts many visitors.

Since these animals are so big and cuddly, one would really like to cuddle them. You don’t believe that this might be dangerous? It is! In 2005, the drunk 35-year-old Zhang Xinyan climbed over the fence and was then attacked by the panda girl Gu Gu which bit his leg. In 2007, the 15-year-old Li Xitao wanted to watch Gu Gu while she was eating, but instead she snacked the skin off his leg. In 2009, another guy named Zhang climbed over the fence and … you can guess what happened next.

Remember to run away in case you meet a panda bear. They are no plush toys and they only eat bamboo, because they’re too lazy to chase animals. In fact they can be as dangerous as all the other carnivorous bears.

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