They are beautifully packaged and placed in the aisles leading up to the cashier desks so you are bound to pass them when checking out. That is how they get us. That is how they get me. I’m talking about Lush’s Lip Scrubs in all their glorious flavors and colors. I think we can agree that they are amazing. What we also can agree on is the fact that with $10 they are way too expensive although we can find the ingredients for the lip scrubs in almost any household.

Here is what you will need for a do-it-yourself lip scrub à la Lush.

2 tsp sugar
¾ tsp jojoba oil
1/2tsp of coconut oil
1 tsp of vitamin E
vanilla extract for flavor
optional: food coloring
plus one little jar or pot to contain it

All you have to do is mix all the ingredients together and that is basically it.

As for the usage: Start off by wetting your lips with water; take out a small amount of scrub and rub it onto your lips and start the exfoliation process by rubbing your lips together. It is crucial for you to use a hydrating lip balm afterwards, as the scrub may be very drying.

It is very easy and can be made at home; it doesn’t get any more convenient than that. And the best part: Now your matte lipsticks will look even more phenomenal on your soft lips!

Image: © Daily sunny