skin type 2

Hello fellow beauty lovers.

Welcome back.

Have you ever wondered why the skincare products you bought sometimes just don’t work out for you? The reason behind this is simple: We all have different skin types.

There are five different skin types all together: dry, normal, oily, sensitive and combination skin. The type of your skin is based on how much oil it’s producing. The quantity of the oil production is influenced by genes, diet, stress, medication, wrong skincare and hormonal fluctuations. Those are the reasons why you sometimes fluctuate between skin types.

A very simple test can show you which skin type you are. You only need a clean wash cloth, tissue paper or rice paper. Just wash your face with a light cleanser right after you get out of bed. Wait a couple of minutes, towel dry your face and then use your tissue paper or rice paper and dab in onto your skin.

If it remains perfectly clean and your skin feels radiant, vibrant and healthy, then congratulations: You have normal skin. Boy, do I envy you for that. Normal skin is the easiest to take care of. It looks good even if you skip a skincare day. It will also look good when you get older with proper care.

If the tissue paper is clean, but your skin feels tightened and you spot dry and flaky patches on your skin, your skin type is clearly dry. This type of skin doesn’t produce as much oil as it needs and is usually very prone to wrinkles and irritations.

Oily skin however will result in oily patches showing up on your tissue paper usually the most around the T-Zone area (meaning forehead, cheeks and nose). Oily skin can cause a multitude of problems for us. People with oily skin usually have enlarged pores and are extremely prone to breakouts. The good thing though is that oily skin is not as prone to wrinkles as – let’s say – dry skin. You tend to look younger longer.

Combination skin is the most common skin type. I myself have to be labelled as such. We gals have an oily T-Zone and dry patches around the eye area and cheeks. We have to use different products on different areas of our faces. What exactly will be revealed in one of the following posts.

And last but not least: The sensitive skin. People with sensitive skin don’t exactly need a test to find out that they have sensitive skin, they know it. Their skin is usually very, very dry and tightened and on top of that easily irritated. Red areas, dry patches that itch and tingle are normal for them. The sensitive skin is the most fragile of all and need the most care. You have to research a lot to take proper care of your skin and I will show you how in my skincare series.

Next week I will show you the different kinds of cleansers for different kinds of skin types. In the meanwhile do not forget to check up on us daily because we do upload on a regular basis.

Yours truly,


Information Source:
Image Source: Readthetrieb