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The Japanese still life photographer Kanji Ishii is one of those outstanding artists who already gained most experiences and already are among the most sought after as photographers and as well as an instructors. Just like Junko of the photographer duo Yasu + Junko who began to explore her fascination with photography at the age of 24. But what is different from Kanji’s work to other photographers of this profession? Whether it’s the creative way of working, the openness of the photographers themselves or the technical means available. Only people who have already worked with Kanji might be able to judge. But the photographic result is yet capable of giving the beholder an insight into the vast talent of this photographer.

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Kanji’s portfolio focuses on beauty and cosmetic products as well as on accessories like watches, shoes, bags and jewelry. Perfumes and cosmetics shine in a glistening, friendly light, so the purity and the smooth complexion of the substances are emphasized incredibly, which probably no other photographer is capable of doing. With flower arrangements around perfumes and creams, the brain is tempted to forward olfactory impulses to the nose. Crazy! In addition, Kanji also concentrates on different textures of creams and Co.: from powdery to crumbly, soft velvety, creamy and gel-like. However, in contrast to other still life photographers, he goes back to the four elements. Earth, water, air and even fire are incorporated into the photos.

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There are many well-known clients counting to the Brooklyn, New York-based photographer Kanji portfolio, including: Dior, Chanel, Estée Lauder, Giorgio Armani, Yves Saint Laurent, Bvlgari, Sephora, and, and, and. He’s also a pioneer when it comes to 3D product photography. Take a look!

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Copyright and Source: http://www.kistudio.info/#/