Hari and Deepti is a couple and a team of artists who work and live in Denver, Colorado. Hari (Harikrishnan Panicker) is a graphic designer and illustrator from Mumbai, India. He has worked among others for MTV India. He also illustrates covers for music albums and singles and magazines.

Deepti is a full time geek as she said herself. She prefers to work without any technical devices to create art. She moved to Denver with Hari to implement her ideas full of creativity.

One of those beautiful ideas: Paper worlds. A lot of paper layers, cut out and placed on top of each other to create a little diorama. When it’s lighted, it turns into a magical little world with countless motives. Absolutely creative.

Most popular images are forests and their inhabitants such as deer and wolves. But also under water worlds, caves and even the outer space are portrayed. And all creations enchant us and mentally lead us to these paper worlds


Copyright and Source: http://www.theblackbookgallery.com/artists/hari-deepti/