zähne bleichen

Hello my fellow beauty lovers,

Who amongst us doesn’t want a perfect set of white teeth like all the TV-Stars? Bleaching has become one of the most common procedures in our everyday life. And because it’s so popular a lot of people are willing to make the step but are contemplating whether or not it’s worth its money.

And that’s where home remedies come out to play. My question today:

Can you trust home remedies when it comes to bleaching?

Home Remedy Nr. 1: Baking Soda

It’s pretty easy: Just take a cup of baking soda, mix it with water and salt and put it on your teeth. After letting this paste soak in, brush your teeth with tooth paste and voilà whiter looking teeth after a couple of weeks.


Well, there are in fact studies that show that this procedure does work but what it also does is it’s attacking your tooth enamel. The results are discoloration and intense pain, which is why that’s a NOT for me.

House Remedy Nr. 2: Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice is one of the most commonly used remedies at home. You simply have to mix it with water and let it sink into your teeth before brushing them.


Even after mixing it with water, lemon acid can cause serious damage when it comes to our teeth. It melts down your tooth enamel which is followed by losing your teeth all together. That’s clearly a NOT.

House remedy Nr. 3: Strawberries

Well, who doesn’t like Strawberries? If you can eat them they can’t be that bad for your teeth right? Strawberries contain lactic acid, the stuff that’s also used in whitening toothpaste. You simply have to make a paste out of the strawberries and rub it into your teeth.


Well, it does whiten your teeth but the amount of fruit acid in the paste is worse than candy for your teeth. It comes to discoloration and ultimately to teeth loss.

Honestly, what are we willing to pay for whiter looking teeth?

Yours truly,

Lana Hoang

 Copyright: http://www.dentinic.de/images/bleaching.jpg