Ein flacher Bauch sieht nicht nur echt gut aus und findet Anklang bei der Damenwelt, nein, ein ordentlich trainierter Bauch schützt euch auch besser. Was meint ihr, was hält einen Schlag in eure eher weichen und verletzbaren Innereien besser auf? Eine Bierwampe oder ein Brett? Ja okay, in der Wampe kann die Faust des Angreifers steckenbleiben aber verlasst euch nicht auf diese Albereien. Schon öfter habe ich es erlebt und gesehen, dass ein Kampf durch einen gezielten Schlag in die Magengrube oder die Gedärme zu Ende ging, weil der Getroffene sich übergeben musste oder der Schmerz zu groß war.

A flat stomach does not only look good, but is always welcomed by the ladies! And a decently trained stomach will even protect you way better! What do you think? What’s better when you take a hit to the abdomen? Lots of fat or a board? Of course, you can always hope the aggressor’s first will get stuck in the fat…but don’t believe everything you see in a comic. I’ve often seen fights end because of an aimed hit to the abdomen, because the person which was hit had to throw up or because the pain was too big.

So here you can have a few tips on how to get a nice and flat stomach:

1. Training your abs isn’t everything. You gotta get rid of all the fat. That means you have to do a lot of cardio, however not too much. Running for about 30-45 minutes is perfect. Anything above that and you risk losing your muscles.

2. Sit-Ups. I guess everyone knows this exercise and just as many people are doing it wrong. The strength to sit up from a lying position literally has to come from your abs, not from your butt or your quads. It’s even enough if you lift yourself just a little as long as you keep your stomach nice and tense.

3. Lying-leg raises. At first it seems fairly easy, but there’s more to it. Lie down on your back and raise your legs in the air straight. Again, if you cheat here you’re only cheating on yourself. Use your abs to lift your legs, not your quads. Just remember this: “Pull your navel to your spine”. Sounds weird and is kind of hard to do, but it’s totally worth it. Also trains your butt.

4. Upper body dumbbell curls. For this you need some weights. It doesn’t have to be a dumbbell, you can also use a bucket full of water or something that’s heavy. Stand straight, hold the weight in one of your hands and start flexing to the side, then get back into a straight position only using your Serratus muscle. Obviously, this is perfect for training your Serratus (the muscles to the left and right of your abdomen)

5. Side Pushups. Lay down on the ground, then lift yourself up on the side so only one of your arms touches the ground and your feet. Tense your muscles and stay in that position for at least thirty seconds. At first it doesn’t seem too hard, but after a while you’ll feel quite sore. When you’re done with one side, wait for ten seconds and start again with the other arm.

If you can keep your discipline and do this for a while, you’ll see how your abs get a lot stronger and harder. Combined with enough cardio, there is a chance for your sixpack to come back again (however, this also depends on your anatomy, body and diet). One day your enemy’s fist will break on your adamantine abs. Till then, work hard!

Fight-Club-Friday: Teil 7 (http://www.readthetrieb.com/2014/01/24/fight-club-friday-teil-7-organisation/ )

Image Copyright: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waschbrettbauch#mediaviewer/Datei:Sixpack.jpg (Image by Martin Weicker)