Many oils are not only good for cooking but also act as an ideal beauty product for various purposes. Here are some beauty oils any health junkie and passionate cook probably has on their kitchen shelf.

Olive oil:
Olive oil contains many vitamins, minerals and natural fatty acids. It is considered one of the main ingredients in anti-aging skin care products and is rich in antioxidants. It protects the skin against aging and any type of wrinkles or dehydration. You can incorporate this healthy oil into your beauty regimen by using it as a base for homemade facials or body scrubs. The hair can also benefit from it: Simply use it as an overnight treatment and apply it to the entire hair. Wash it out the next morning and you will be rewarded with a beautiful, shiny mane.

Coconut oil:
Coconut oil is probably the cure for everything. It can be used for shaving, as a moisturizer or for preventing spliss. This miraculous oil is said to smoothen skin and hair. It contains numerous proteins that provides the skin with moisture and counteract skin aging. Especially dry skin can benefit from it: Just mix a little coconut oil into your daily moisturizer and look forward to noticeably soft skin. It also works as a foot treatment: Apply a generous amount of coconut oil onto your feet before sleeping. You will wake up with baby soft feet in the morning.

Avocado oil:
The omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants in the avocado oil help the skin to regenerate from sun damage. For a face mask, avocado oil therefore is ideal because it provides the skin with moisture and even increases the production of collagen, thus preventing wrinkles.