The Russian lifestyle defined by vodka and caviar is now becoming quite literal when it comes to skin care. Caviar creams are currently considered a huge trend in Russia. But is it really worth the hype or is it merely just another expression of pure, exorbitant decadence?
Luxury brands like La Prairie offer this luxurious product that comes in an extremely extravagant and lavish packaging. In collaboration with the crystal artist Baccarat, the brand developed a pompous packaging, which kind of justifies the price of 1.850.00 € for one jar. Even a small spatula is included to really use the right amount of product. In addition, the packaging can be used as caviar server after the consumer has used up the cream.

But the product is also available in a less decadent version that promises the same effect.  La Mer offers a cheaper version for € 61, which – considering the hype- is definitely worth a try.
The product is outstandingly effective against skin aging and is supposed to be one of the best anti-aging products on the market. It is considered a legend when it comes to lifting and softening the skin. The noble caviar extract and hyaluronic acid in the creams are said to prevent wrinkles and plump up the skin immediately.

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