Two very bright minds got together and opened up a mushroom farm in the former swimming pool “Rotterdamer Erlebnisbad Tropicana”. Shortly after the pool had to close its gates in 2011, two farmers saw the perfect opportunity to grow mushrooms in the greenhouse-like location.

The pool was warm and moist, just the right thing for mushrooms. Siemen Cox and Mark Slegers wanted to make this dream reality and without further ado created a farm in the midst of the city. They did not fill up the now empty pools with topsoil, the area up there were way to light for the mushrooms anyway. Instead, they made use of the former cellars of the facility. The mushrooms grow in bags filled with special nutrients that dangle off old clothing racks. The goods are purchasable on the local market of the city. This is what I call fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers! The aim of this little project is to make better use of our “urban living space” to prevent the rising vacancy rates. It’s basically a win-win because in the frames of this project transportation costs are saved and another facility is rescued from being another vacant location that once was a space full of life. The only thing that I regret is that you won’t be able to actually explore this facility on your own but I’m sure those two sympathetic men would love to give you a tour through their farm if you were to ask politely.

An “Urban mushroom farm” in the cellar of a building, seriously, how cool can it get? I bet the rest of the halls can be used equally efficient. For instance, how about growing some bananas or coconuts? I’m quite excited to see what those two have in mind for the rest of the facility!

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