Dexter Jackson, Mr. Olympia 2008, Photo by Local Fitness Australia

Bulks of muscles, tanned and benching 150 kilos. The aim of a bodybuilder is to actively modify his or her body. With a body weight of 120 kg and only 0,5% body fat, a skin so thin you can see each individual muscle plus shoulders as broad as every cupboard and a waist small as a wasp you more than often get the feeling that those giants may have lost a part of what makes them look human. And when you happen to place them next to each other, they even appear stronger than the gods of the Olympus.

But as we know, appearances can be deceiving. Especially in times when they’re competing, bodybuilders are at their weakest state. They aren’t as energetic because prior to a competition they have to go on a strict diet, going almost completely without food and liquid. They’d miserably go down in a fistfight and why? To keep the percentage of the overall body fat low and keep the body dehydrated. Moreover, if you were to put them in front of a well-trained man, they’d probably lose as well because their massive bodies hinder them from moving deftly.

Real men can be found at so called Strongman competitions. And although Strongmen don’t necessarily appear very defined or bulky they’re definitely stronger than bodybuilders. They don’t have six packs,  but they have pure strength. Their hips are just as wide as their shoulders but make no mistake, those are the men that fight cave bears on top of mountains and actually win. Their “fat pads” are sources of energy as well as stabilizers. Though they are massive and absolutely huge, their muscles aren’t purely for appearance, they are really strong. So don’t be deceived by their appearances.

The more you build up your muscle mass, the more energy you’ll need to keep your muscles working. And as a bodybuilder you have to really pay attention to what you eat to prevent those nasty fat pads. There won’t be too many sins and joys left if you aspire to be a true bodybuilder. Forget about beer, crisps, smoking and other things that are fun. It takes so much more than it seems to be a bodybuilder. Plus you may even die young considering that you deny your body the much-needed balanced diet. So if you aspire to be really strong then build up your muscles including fat pads and maybe even a beard. But if you love hard work, discipline and looking like a moving fried chicken, become a bodybuilder.

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