
Nowadays beauty standards have been around for centuries. The Greek for instance already had them and they are still valid. Da Vinci was the first one to create a raster of the perfect face. He added in the ideal distance between the eyes, the ideal length and width of the nose as well as the perfect chin area.

Now you may or may not think that such a face could not possibly exist, can it? Well, yes! Actor Jensen Ackles (known for his role in Supernatural) fits perfectly into said pattern, developed 500 years ago. Incredible!

But we have to say that beauty still is and will be in the eye of the beholder and the more you like the personality of someone, the more attractive they will be for you. That has to do with all kinds of hormones and the involvement of our brain, just as a little fun fact.

Copyright and Source: http://twicsy.com/i/VA7Qvd