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Together with Koenigsegg, Razer brings portable gaming with laptops to a whole to new level. Who’s still going to tell me XBOX One and PS4 are actually worth getting?

Both companies share the same passion: Not a single part is insignificant, they completely ignore conventional designs, hence creating an extreme level of fun and performance.

This beast is limited and only a hand full of happy Koenigsegg Supercar owners get it.
It’s equipped with the latest and most efficient parts and easily beats quite a few desktop computers and obviously the current console generation.

However, don’t fret! With a little luck, you can win this monster in Razer’s next giveaway! To stay up to date, you can just take a look at Razer’s Facebook page every now and then!

Information Source: http://www.razerzone.com/
Image Source: www.motorward.com