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Hello fellow beauty lovers.

Today’s blog post is all about detoxing and how to glow from within. I wanted to share a great recipe for detox water (which I found on with you. Detoxing is simply the procedure of detoxifying  and getting rid of unwanted bad things in your body.

I’m sure there are tons and tons of recipes out there but this one’s my favorite.

You’ll need:

1-2 L Water
1x Apple
Lemon slices
Mint leaves

Benefits of each ingredient:

Strawberries contains anti-aging properties like biotin and the antioxidant ellagic acid which help prevent sagging skin.

Apples have loads of Vitamin C in them which can help your skin look glowy. It also helps repair and maintain bones and teeth.

Lemons are known to stimulate the digestive track and help boost up your metabolism.

Last but not least, the mint leaves also help improve digestion and get rid of stomach cramps.

Not only does it look incredibly crafty, it tastes like heaven. You can also add a handful of ice if you prefer.

Be good to your skin, it’s the only home you HAVE to live in.

Yours truly,

Lana Hoang

Copyright: Readthetrieb