Living in New York and Delhi, designer Payal Luthra creates premium neckwear under her eponymous label, based in New York. Her main collection is parted in three sections.

First one is called “Structured” which includes architectural cut short-capes and round scarves which can be used unisex because of their simplicity and clean, uncomplicated look. Nevertheless, you will also find some little details, such as chain elements and leather cords that give a unique look. This again makes a casual, yet stylish modern overall.

Next comes the “Embroidered” section where Luthra creates scarves in different bright pink and blue colours which are figured with geometrical embroideries.

The “Sky Cashmere” presents, as the name already implies, all soft scarves, either unicoloured or made by using batik techniques, which allow soft colour transitions apposite to the lightweight fabric.

Don’t miss the kids collection. Here, you are offered again high quality neckwear added with for example cute tassels or pompoms. Payal Luthra works with her Indian origins, combining this with Western Culture or modern looks with traditional manufacturing techniques, using finest cashmere from Asia.

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