Stereotyping, we do it all, we may do it subconsciously but we all are guilty of jumping to the first, mostly shallow, conclusion in the decision making process even if it’s just for the initial moment. And it’s nothing out of the ordinary when you have to listen to bottomless anecdotes about Russia just because one guy ordered a round of Vodka shots.

However, what most people do not know is, Vodka can actually be used other than as an alcoholic beverage itself. Its naturally antiseptic characteristics cleanse, brighten and tighten pores and have wonderful benefits for both hair and skin. The color – and odourless liquor can work absolutely wonders when you, for instance, suffer from frizz. When used directly on the hair, it actually reduces the pH level on your strands and thus closes the hair cuticles, the outer layer of your hair, and therefore reducing frizz. All you have to do is mix ca. 10 ml of pure Vodka with your normal conditioner and let it work its magic. Alternatively, you could add a tablespoon of Vodka to water and rinse your hair with it like a toner for your hair.

Have you known about the benefits of Vodka? I sure have not until doing my research for todays’ work but it is incredibly intriguing to see how the very thing that is perceived as so bad for you can be used in such a beneficial and rewarding way.