He’s known as a superstar to all those who love traditional costumes – he’s designer Daniel Fendler. This passionate creator of fashion loves traditional fashion, and has therefore dedicated himself to the creation of trachts. To Fendler, trachts are a fashionable expression of one’s love towards their home country. Fendler feels a deep connection to his homeland, and enjoys walking down memory lane, revisiting the places where he spent his childhood.

The dressmaker was born in 1980, in Wasserbug on the Inn. Upon completing his apprenticeship, the cosmopolitan Bavarian moved to Munich, where he intensified his love for design by attending a school that specialised in tailoring. Afterwards, he even got the chance to work for top designer Vivienne Westwood, one of the most mportant people in the British fashion industry. After discovering his inspirations and achieving success in Great Britain, Daniel Fendler moved back to Munich and founded his own business – all at the tender age of 21!

Daniel Fendler proves that passion is all you need to achieve anything. He successfully combines couture and traditional fashion, giving rise to a new kind of fashion. “Tracht Couture” is the result of bringing together luxury and patriotism!

Fendler eventually relocated his company headquarters to Edling, near his home city Wasserburg, because it’s the only place where he truly feels at home. He exerts a significant influence on German tracht fashion, and his creations are always characterised by an eye for the aesthetic. No wonder his fan base is steadily growing!

We’re approaching the Oktoberfest, and Daniel Fendler is taking over the entire tracht industry. The Bavarian designer graces us with phenomenal dirndls as well as elegant and sophisticated trachts. This year, he’s kept his designs very traditional, which has in no way impeded his success. Yes, his life sounds just like a fairy tale indeed.

If you’re waiting for the right dirndl to come along, or keeping an eye out for the perfect pair of lederhosen, you should definitely check out Daniel Fendler’s latest collection.

More Info: www.danielfendler.com