Most artists, who were introduced by me on our creative Mondays, can be described as eccentric, absolutely outstandingly different or simply impressively creepy. But today, I would like to present an artist to you, who creates supersweet, innocent art, which will just touch your heart. Watercolors are the hobbyhorse of Kate Dolamore who loves painting animals. Salamanders, birds, foxes, deer and badgers and all kinds of forest animals are her favorite subjects. Nevertheless, Kate also loves painting more exotic animals like sloths and giraffes. The depicted flora and fauna often appears stylized, but stays realistic and full of character.

Apart from painting and illustrating cute situations, she creates field guides which we should all know from biology class. These guides show a small collection of animals which can be found in certain habitats. Small illustrations of bird nests are accurately drawn on cardboards and can be bought directly from Kate who is running an online shop. Be it a greeting card, a simple picture or magnets – with Kate Dolamore’s cute works, we can decorate our home or buy them as a present for our loved ones.

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