Paris is known as a city that’s practically overflowing with art and culture. But occasionally something comes out of left field and fills a hole in the scene…

American artist Paul McCarthy, famed for his extraordinary works of art, has now installed a 25m inflatable Christmas tree in Paris. Yeah, you read that right. A Christmas tree. An inflatable one, no less.


Except this Christmas tree isn’t really meant to be a Christmas tree. If you’ve ever spent more than 5 minutes on the internet (and you should have, else you wouldn’t be reading this article), you’ll know what I mean. The people of Paris remain largely unamused by this “Christmas tree”, and there was many a heated discussion about it. The artist himself was even slapped in the face by a passerby.

Well, it’s been destroyed now. Unknown culprits poked holes in it in the dead of the night; all of the air has now leaked out and only an empty, deflated shell remains.

And I always supposed Paris to be the city of love…

Information and source: und