Your traps or the hunt that day have been successful so far and you have a rabbit to show for it but what now? You can’t possibly eat that much fur, right? I will tell you how to properly gut and skin a rabbit.

1.      Take the rabbit’s hind legs and hang the rabbit upside down on a branch so the belly points towards you.

2.      Now cut around the four paws and start pulling the fur off the hind legs, just like you would with a sweater. It’s a rather dirty work but it’s necessary. Once the fur reaches the neck, you’ll have to cut off the head.

3.      Now open the belly and cut through the rectum and pull out the intestines. The same thing goes to the inner organs but keep in mind that you can eat the lungs, liver and heart! And you can make strings out of the intestines

4.      Now take the rabbit, stick it on a branch and cook it … et voilà your roasted rabbit is done. I would recommend some red wine, dumplings and red cabbage and of course a gamy gravy. Just kidding, after all of this, do not forget what it’s really about: the worst case, the survival in wilderness.

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