Beggars can’t be choosers, thus we have to eat insects in the case of emergency, even if this actually doesn’t seem enjoyable to us. The following must be taken into account, otherwise diseases could be transmitted. But first, were can you find these tidbits?

Cock chafer grubs of various beetle species count as the most efficient source of nutrients. They prefer to live in old trees and deadwood. When you find a fallen tree, try to break off some pieces. If it’s moldy enough, this shouldn’t be a problem. When you’re situated in a country where snakes live, be careful! Snakes also like to hide in deadwood.

At first, you have to remove the head and empty the intestine (press slightly in the anus’ direction). Grasshoppers and locusts count as a high-protein source of food as well. You can catch them on meadows best. It’s easier to conceive some kind of landing net consisting of your t-shirt and a long stick than catching them by hand. You just have to wrap the shirt the branch’s end (the t-shirt’s openings should be closed). If you caught grasshoppers and locusts, remove  the head, digestive tract, wings and the prickly segments on the legs.

As an alternative to this, you can eat beetles and other small animals. You can catch them by burying a bucket. The beetles will fall in without being able to climb up again. You also have to remove the wings, legs and the head. But be careful, some beetles emit fetid or acrid liquid. By the way, for spiders you have to squish the head and remove the legs.

The preparation: everything that crawls should be ALWAYS grilled. Firstly, insects taste better after doing this and secondly, what’s way more important, fire kills parasites and pathogens.
