The band Ghost BC is really something special not just because they make good music which is a mixture of psychedelic rock and heavy metal with a touch of Satanic lyrics which should be considered as ironic references. Every band member goes on stage and performs with monks robes and masks. Thus they call themselves “ Nameless Ghouls”. The vocalist has his own name “Papa Emeritus” (Pope Emeritus).

The band was founded in the Swedish city Linköping in 2008. They published their first demo just 2 years after the band was set up. Their lyrics were memorable and conclusive. The track „Elizabeth” refers to the legend about a Hungarian princess who took baths full of girl’s blood to maintain her youth. “Death Knell” is just another track of their demo CD.

After that many performances on small and big stages as well as surprise gigs followed. Papa Emeritus then handed over his spot as the vocalist to his replacement who introduced himself as “Io sono Papa Emeritus secondo” (I am Papa Emeritus II).

On stage Papa Emeritus/Papa Emeritus II wore long golden-red robes which are embellished with anarchistic symbols. He is wearing a mitre (you know…the hat which is worn by the pope) and his face is painted like a bald skull.

People speculated who is performing behind those masks for a long time now. But I say, I don’t care…Their music is hellishly good.

