Everyone knows the movie and if you don’t, hurry up and watch it! Charismatic protagonists a thrilling story usually inspire people to reenact parts of the movies or to bring their lives into line with them. This also happened with the movie “Fight Club”, the popular movie featuring Brad Pitt a.k.a. Tyler Durden.

The first time I heard about a fight club scene in Berlin was when I was at a bar. Young men meet each other regularly in hidden halls and empty buildings to beat each other up.

They are often model boys from rich families or the complete opposite. They vent their frustration on each other which often results from difficulties in everyday life. Channeling this frustration and anger into fighting seems to work. The Fight Clubs take place in the underground scene and therefore are closed to the public. However, if you know someone who knows about the events, it’s very easy to get in there.

I decided to reveal a little of this scene which also means I’m going to participate regularly in the Fight Club events. Well, my head too is filled with anger which needs to be let out.

Nevertheless, currently I’m definitively not able to survive these fights. It’s been a while since I’ve worked out or since I’ve bandied blows. So, it was time to get fit.

In the following articles, I’m going tell you something about my training and my diet. And then, I’ll talk about my live experiences I had in some of the fight clubs.

Image Copyright: http://fatmanutattoo.blogspot.de/2012/01/old-school-boxer-tattoo-by-fat-manu.html