There are many stories, rumors and legends about Wall Street. Located in New York City’s borough of Manhattan, it is home to the financial center. There you will find a lot of banks, but also the largest stock exchange in the world. At Wall Street, everything revolves around enormous sums of money that the average citizen can barely imagine. Because of its high value, Wall Street is also the setting for numerous films. Today, I want to briefly introduce three of them.

The first one is “The Wolf of Wall Street”, a stock market drama, in which it gets to the nitty-gritty. It tells the story of the real existing stockbroker Jordan Belfort, the story of a rapid rise and an equally rapid fall. The film explores the dark side of his success which expands on his private life. It’s about wealth, drugs, fame and trouble with the law – a really worthwhile film, with Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead role.

Somewhat older is the movie “Wall Street” from 1987. Again, it deals with companies and their stocks. Wealth also plays a role, as well as easy money and illegal, unscrupulous acts. Directed by Oliver Stone, who staged the story of stockbroker Bud Fox in an outstanding way.

“Wall Street – Money Never Sleeps” is the last movie. also directed by Oliver Stone. It is the sequel to “Wall Street” and was first screened at Cannes Film Festival in 2010.