The legend about a boy that disappeared in the jungle and was raised by monkeys after his parents died is probably known by everyone. After all, there are more than 20 novel adaptations that tell the continuation of the original story. Besides, 22 different actors threw themselves from branch to branch in the famous loin cloth on the movie theatre screen.

But certainly, my favorite adaptation might be the Tarzan musical composed by no less a person than Phil Collins. Grab yourself a vine and swing yourself over to Oberhausen, Germany because there, the next musical performance will take place. In the breathtaking show that already cast a spell upon Metropolises like Paris and Moscow, the borders between stage and audience disappear completely because the actors perform acrobatic artistry right above the heads of the spectators. The entire hall is turned into an adventurous jungle world. What else could you wish for?

If you are interested in experiencing a musical adventure in the jungle, you should definitely act quickly and get a ticket. In autumn 2016, the Tarzan fever will seize Oberhausen.

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