Cities are a habitat made by humans for humans. However, gradually, wild animals that were once driven away by human civilization are returning to the cities.

Foxes for example are seen in Berlin every day. They roam parks, cemeteries, the suburbs but they also like to visit our gardens and alleys. At day, they sleep in parks. By night, they come out, eat the trash in trash bins, devour kebabs we threw away and hunt mice and rats of which we have many here in Berlin.

But also kestrel, buzzards and hawks now live in cities, building their nests on the roofs of high buildings and looking for prey. Pigeons often fall victim to these majestic birds. By the way, pigeons themselves used to be shy forest denizens. Now, we can’t get rid of them in cities because private breeders let them free during the Second World War due to food for animals and humans being scarce. Yep, today they are everywhere and it seems that they also poop everywhere.

Rabbits and bunnies are a frequent sight in parks and gardens as well. If you want to see one, you should pay the Tiergarten park a visit. So cute. Another surprising Berlin citizen is the raccoon or lovingly called trash panda that can be spotted here and there as well. The adventive animal feels absolutely at home here where he can eat trash and steal the content of our picnic baskets.

In the suburbs, boars are an ordinary thing to hear and see as well. Here, they like to cause chaos by overthrowing containers, scaring joggers and doing other kinds of mischief.