When imagining a Nordic beauty, you immediately think of flawless and delicate women that are naturally beautiful. You think of natural beauty, blond hair, blue eyes, a flawless complexion, a perfect figure and a bright white smile. In the media women like Helena Christensen or Zara Larsson represent the concept of Scandinavian beauty and prove the previously mentioned stereotypes. Yes, Scandinavian women are generally very gifted by nature but also pay as much attention to their skin and hair care. In general, they usually have high demands when it comes to their own appearance and also that of their partners.

For these reasons, more and more women in the world want to know the beauty secrets of Scandinavian women. Beauty brands from Sweden, Denmark, Finland or Iceland are becoming more popular and well-known because they do not only render the skin flawless but are also made from natural ingredients.

Brands such as Hilla, Unique or Verso Skincare get more and more attention. Not only the effectiveness of the products matters but also the design of the packaging, in which they are sold. The Scandinavian beauty philosophy is pretty clear: Everything should be clean, simple, pure and natural. This does not only refer to the clothing and makeup style but also represents the basis for a healthy life, which includes sports, the proximity to nature, a healthy diet and a thorough skincare.