The „Musée de l’Èrotisme“ or the museum of eroticism in Paris is a sex museum that is completely devoted to erotic artwork. The beautiful minds behind this project are antique dealer Alain Plumey and French teacher Jo Khalifa. The museum came into being in 1997 and has been opening its gates for fans of eroticism from all over the world. And the audience is as diverse as the origins of the artworks. It ranges from religious paintings from India all the way to Africa. Contemporary work with a focus on eroticism is also available to see.

A huge range of different interpretations of eroticism is showcased on five floors. Even movies are being shown during tours. Right now for example it is the movie “Polisson et galipettes”, a French composition of a few pornographic short scenes straight out of legal brothels.

It may not catch everybody’s fancy, but in any case it is still is a very interesting trip.

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Image: © Solar