A couple of nice hours in the sun with your loved ones paired with delicious food and a distinct hearty smell in the air that signals everybody in walking distance that you’re having a barbecue. Whilst the smell might be tolerable outside, afterwards in bed or at home it can be downright overpowering. Here are three tips on how to quickly get rid of the barbecue smell from your hair.

Dry shampoo is an absolute miracle product. Not only does it pull out gunk and oil from your hair, it also leaves it smelling fresh as it acts as a deodorizer. The only thing you need to do is go to a store and find yourself a good dry shampoo. I personally love to use one by Batista.

However, if you want something slightly more thorough than that, try your good old baking soda. Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one cup of water. Then spread it into your hair or simply massage it into your strands and wait for it to do its magic of freshening your hair up.

Last but not least, don’t forget our beloved lemon. Lemons and water are like siblings that have been separated after birth. They compliment each other beautifully! What you need is the zest of the lemon, add it to a jug full of water and wait for it to sit for about 20 minutes. That’s how long the water needs to absorb the peel’s scent. Once absorbed, massage the mixture into your hair and you’ll be left with a fresh lemony scent.

Try those three steps out after a night out. I hope you get the results you’re looking for!

More Information: www.loxabeauty.com