Hey Beauties!

I’d describe this look as classic, yet playful. I admit I’m a huge fan of neutral shades for my nails right now though summer is practically outside our doors. But I couldn’t help myself and prepared the last more subtle manicure before I really dig into my typical neon polishes for summer.


We’ll need:


1x white polish
1x matte topcoat
1x lilac polish
1x taupe polish
2x Dotting Tools or the end of a brush (We’ll end up needing two sizes!)


Step 1
We’ll need three different colors today. Our pinkie gets to wear a light lilac-y shade, the ring and middle finger is going to be dressed up in a bright white shade and the pointer as well as thumb nail will be painted in the taupe color. Additionally, I added a mattifying topcoat to the colored (not white) fingernails.

Step 2
The colored nails, believe it or not, are done for today, which leaves us with enough time to polish up our accent nails: Ring and middle finger. The two different sized dotting tools will come in handy here. The thicker side of the tool will be used first. Orientate yourselves at the colors next to the white nails. Seeing that the pinkie is graced with the light lilac, we’ll use just that to make our first move dot-wise. The thick end of the tool is to be dipped into said polish. Please do not stray from the left hand side as you paint your dots and mark a sort of staircase along the nail bed.

Step 3
In Step 3, take the dotting tool with the slightly smaller head and decorate the accent nail with smaller dots all around the bigger ones we just created. It doesn’t matter in which order or how many you end up using. It’s all personal preference, really.


Step 4
The fourth and final step is quite easy. Just repeat step two and three but coordinate your colors. That means orientate yourself at the color right next to your accent nail: In my case it was the taupe polish. This color was the one I then used for the big dots. The smaller dots were then held in the lilac polish. It’s as simple as that.

I really hope you liked the look. Be sure to come back next week. I’ll probably dig into my summer nail polishes!

Yours truly,
Lana Hoang


Copyright: Readthetrieb