Hey Beauties.

White Tanning“  or „Reverse Tanning“ has been all the rage in South Korea the last couple of weeks. Numerous beauty bloggers have been raving about this procedure although it’s not exactly what you’d think it is. It’s falsely believed that the time consuming procedure can actually make your skin a couple of shades lighter when all it’s doing is to even out your skin tone.

This method was initially developed by scientists at the NASA to help heal wounds sustained in space via Infrared light. You see the light promotes the production of collagen and elastin. The fact that this tanning method evens out the skin tone is a byproduct at most. But since then institutions similar to tanning salons have opened up to offer this procedure purely for aesthetical reasons. Each session is approximately 20 minutes long. It takes 5 sessions in a coffin-like container to kick-start the collagen and elastin production. It is said that 10 sessions are needed to actually see results.

As for them, well, Korean beauty blogger do believe in it. According to them, the skin tone is visibly color corrected after the procedure plus pimples as well as wrinkles were simultaneously removed.

What do you guys think of that? Is it a take or a toss?

Image Rights: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haut by Luca Boldrini 
Information Source: http://www.bustle.com/articles/52002-reverse-tanning-is-a-misnomer-heres-what-it-actually-is-and-isnt