Hello fellow beauty lovers.

Some say that Asians are blessed with beautiful, fine-pored skin. Well, I obviously did something profoundly wrong because I am far away from fine pores. Mine are quite visible, thank you very much. Especially on my nose and parts of my cheeks they’re really out there, to put it mildly. The only upside to the whole dilemma is that apparently skin types like mine tend to develop wrinkles much later than other skin types. Yay, I guess.

I am aware that you can prevent your pores from getting bigger with a proper skin care routine but you won’t be able to erase them altogether. Luckily we live in a time in which dozens of new innovations are frequently released to make our lives a little bit easier. That’s how Blur Creams entered our lives. Those are makeup primers. They fill in pores and little wrinkles and basically blur them away so they won’t be as visible. That’s why they’re also called “soft definers” because they create the perfect smooth base for your foundation later on. This effect is caused by micro light reflectors and smoothing ingredients like elastomer.

The thing is that these types of creams often are silicon-based. That is why you should only use a tiny amount of product to prevent the foundation slipping off your face. That’s mainly the reason why I recommend the product for girls with a drier skin type rather than to a combination to oily skin type.

Unfortunately those Blur Creams almost never come without silicones. The silicon allows the texture to be extra smooth and in that way it is indeed easier to distribute it without the skin absorbing it. Some people share a strong aversion towards silicone-based products. Others however don’t mind a little bit as long as it does its job.

There are a couple of reasonably priced blur creams on the market right now. Kiehl’s for instance launched its Micro-Blur Skin Perfector, which I personally would love to try out. But I think most of the blur creams out there have the same effect: To smooth out your skin in order to create the perfect canvas for your make up.

Yours truly,


Copyright and Source: Elle Magazine and http://www.kiehls.co.uk/services/smoother-looking-skin-in-seconds