
Alf Ator, frontmn of the band Knorkator, has more than just a talent for singing and clapping his hands – he’s also a writer, and loves filling page after page with drawings. This is evidenced by his work “Satanische Achillesferse“, which represents a collection of puns that have been laid out in ironic or funny short stories. He also often adds small cartoons, and they have the same function as the rest of the book: they’re shallow, but very well conceived. This might sound impossible, but trust me, these bad jokes are actually rather clever, and you’ll find yourself convulsing in laughter.

While the puns and jokes do seem very lame, you’ll quickly realise that they have so many damn hidden layers to them! You’ll be wondering if Alf Ator is completely mad, or if he’s indeed a genius. The truth may lie somewhere in between…

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