
The prizewinning, Australian artist Matthew Quick  has been one of the most talented souls of our modern era when it comes to photorealistic painting for 6 years already. He is considered part of the top 50 of his continent, having won enough prizes to fill a room with them. But Matthew never misses out on the opportunity to surprise us and make us smile. At the first glance, his paintings appear conventional, until someone realizes: “Hey, something is wrong about it.”

Greek statues are painted in dramatic and majestic poses, but something indeed is different about them. Poseidon is wearing swimmies, whilst another powerful hero is wearing a Spongebob plaster on his hand. Furthermore, surreal elements are incorporated into his paintings like a small rowboat he placed in the middle of duck chicks. He indeed doesn’t take art all too seriously, combining his skill with comedy just to remind us that smiling and laughing too is a form of art, right?

Copyright and Source: https://www.facebook.com/MatthewQuickArt/info