Do you guys remember those iPhone cases which “come from hell”? Well,… you can even make it freakier, because giant isopods really exist. They live in the Pacific Ocean where they happily enjoy their life on the ocean bed. They can weigh up to 1.7kg, grow to a length of 45 cm and feed on mostly carrion. The intriguing thing about it is that they look extremely similar to our domestic pill bugs.

We might suffer pill bugs and as a child we even found them very exciting, but who wants to have a 45cm long monster in their flat?! Japanese people do! In Japan, it’s a big trend to keep extraordinary animals as pets. As giant isopods are uncommon, it’s hardly surprising that they found their way into Japanese households. Come on. Who doesn’t like to tickle a sweet giant monster?

Enchanted owners often talk about the isopod’s liability to gluttony. They supposedly eat so much until scuttling becomes extremely exhausting. Isn’t it cute?  Nevertheless, it’s rather a cruelty for them to be transported onshore and live far away from the dark deep-sea. And when they first get in contact with the sunlight, their light-sensitive eyes can be easily damaged.

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