hitchbot 2

„I may look young but I have an old soul.“

Oh Canada, oh Canada! What is that thing standing at your roadside and holding a rubber gloved thumb up in the air? Exactly, a little crazily constructed robot with an interior equipped with the finest technology.

hitchBOT is an idea scientists of the McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada came up with. His „parents“ David Harris Smith and Frauke Zeller brought this artistic and technical project to life, making use of gumboots, bell covers, gloves and swimming noodles.

The robot’s experiences are supposed to be shown worldwide via GPS, WLAN, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Furthermore, it is equipped with a speech software, artificial intelligence and LED so it’s able to communicate with passengers. Those wanting to take hitchBOT along have to carry it to their cars, because this little robot can’t walk.

This experiment aims to reverse the generally prevailing mistrust of artificial intelligence by sending hitchBOT on a „dangerous“ 4,500 km long journey from Halifax to British Columbia, Vancouver Island. It will keep us informed about all its experiences including all the conversations and the number of people taking him along.

This project will be launched on 24 July 2014. We wish hitchBOT a good trip filled with nice encounters and can’t wait to hear the stories!

Copyright and Source: http://www.hitchbot.me/about-me/ and http://instagram.com/p/owGF3uPipG/