The noble name Comtesse de la Haye is that of the noble and aristocratic ancestor of the designer. The brand was founded by Johanna Schafarschik in the year 2005 and follows a pure and noble style which is based on modern design principles. In the jewelry assortment, you can find many necklaces. They are marked by massive chain links and therefore receive a very bold character which right now is absolutely en vogue.

The designer omits unnecessary embellishments so that space is allowed for the purity and plainness to shine bright. Sometimes, the robes are colored in black, other times they are golden, decorating a finger beautifully, while other items are made of different pearls. The necklaces however aren’t the only element of the assortment. There also is a small amulet which truly reminds you of an heirloom thanks to the seal. Another necklace is composed of braided elements and different links which make up a broad and tight-fitting piece for decorating your neck.

The designs by Comtesse de la Haye truly deserved their noble name as they impress with purity and plainness, which result in a very memorable message.

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