The German Labour Day on May 1st  is just around the corner and the Berlin party people are wondering where to spend their free day. For those who are too apathetic to go on a protest and those who think that street fairs are getting boring because you’re more into harder music anyway, they better go to the club of clubs, the mecca of techno, Berghain.

Starting at 12am, you’ll get to hear the finest techno in all its glory, even outside: The garden is going to be open for open air dancing, raving and stamping! And it’s getting even better: It is free! Everyone who’s familiar with the Berghain prices know that it’s a real rarity which is why the Berlin techno enthusiasts are getting even more excited!


Am Wriezener Bahnhof
10243 Berlin Friedrichshain

May 1st 2014
Starting 12am
