

nachtpflege 2

Hello fellow beauty lovers.

During the past several weeks I’ve noticed that I’m lacking a persistent nightly skincare routine. It goes without saying that I do take my makeup off at night and in addition to that I do use a cleanser after my Bioderma product. But I seriously don’t do enough when it comes to moisturizing my face, lips and hands afterwards.

But exactly those things matter the most during the night time. Your skin regenerates itself whilst you’re sleeping and those little things really make a difference. Don’t you miss feeling like a whole new person once you wake up? Putting on makeup will go on so much easier and better . But if you’re skin’s looking amazing, you won’t even need foundation!

The question is “How will I remind myself to go through the whole night routine every night?”
My tip: Pack your very own NIGHTPACK with all your essential skincare and keep it on your nightstand.

In mine I keep a night serum, eye cream, hand cream, lip balm and a spot treatment gel for the “bad days”.

What do you keep in yours?

Yours truly,


Copyright: Readthetrieb