Hey guys,

Today, I went shopping. Actually, I wanted to buy some prawns, because I planned to impress my date with my cooking skills. On the way to a popular discount grocery store, I suddenly spotted an antiquarian bookshop. On the display table I found some masterpieces for only 2 bucks. Rembrandt, Valarez or Tizian? I chose William Hogarth and entered the shop, which actually reminded more of an overloaded living room. To be honest, I also have a friend whose flat actually looks the same. He studies German. Suddenly, I got dazzled, because there were many books, old books; and I like old books.

I found an edition of “The Lederstrumpf” (1941): brown, worn pages, notes on the margins. What a pity that it couldn’t tell its story. Also Mr Kreitling didn’t know the story. He’s the shop-owner. We started to chat. I stayed there for four hours. I was offered some tea and cigarettes and of course many books and stories. Mr Kreitling suddenly became Klaus. Klaus owns many books. He told me a number, but I forgot. And then I found a crochet blanket between the books – homemade and used, and including a story. I was really lucky and discovered many used treasures. Between all those books you can also find dishes, lamps or crochet blankets!

Somehow, it was a cool afternoon, which happened spontaneously in my Kiez. At the end, I didn’t buy prawns, but eight books! And I even got the “Lederstrumpf” for free.

Address: Buchhandlung und Antiquariat, Klaus Kreitling, Müllerstr. 47 A, 13349 Berlin















My previous post – Let me introduce myself.

Image source: Readthetrieb